To the Editors of the Crimson:
I agree with the writer of the communication in yesterday's CRIMSON, that the time may be ripe for renewing interest in the University Club, but I fear that the present state of that movement may be misunderstood by Mr. Wrightington and by many who have read his letter.
The effort to get an expression of undergraduate opinion, to which Mr. Wrightington alludes, was made two years ago. Three means were then employed: personal conversation and correspondence with a large number of college men; the assignment of the University Club as a topic for themes in English course, and a blue-book canvass. The result was an overwhelming expression of thoughtful student opinion in favor of the project. Nearly twelve hundred signed the blue-books at once. There was some thoughtful opinion against the plan, based chiefly on the question of practicability, but without ignoring the very small minority, the committee of graduates who had the matter in hand were able to make a strong though thoroughly conservative report in favor of the University Club. The meeting to which the committee made its report empowered Mr. C. F. Adams to appoint another committee which should be authorized to take over the entire project and to act on it as it should see fit. It was manifestly inadvisable at that time to start a subscription list, and the committee having done its best to get the project fairly before the graduates and friends of the University all over the country, suspended further action until a favorable time should come. It is certainly to be hoped that this will be very soon. I have made this explanation simply to remove the impression that there is any "apathy," any lack of interest or readiness to work among the friends of the movement.
At any rate, when the committee next meets it should be made to feel that the undergraduates and other resident members of the University are back of it, and that they are not only thoroughly interested, but anxious to participate actively in the work of founding the club.
Yours very truly, JEROME D. GREENE.
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