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As shown by the statement of a member of the committee which has superintended the plans for the Brooks Memorial building, there are practical reasons which will make it difficult to use that fund for a University Club. The sum has been raised by small subscriptions, and the committee being unable to ascertain the wishes of the subscribers, naturally feel bound for this reason, if for no other, to carry out their original plans.

We still think that the best use that can be found for funds at the disposal of the University for such purposes, is to devote them to the central club, on the principle of concentrating the energy in a single improvement which will benefit every one instead of a few. We do not wish, however, to attack any plans taken up by the religious societies. Their work pursues a high purpose, and lends a peculiar dignity to undergraduate life by its sincerity and lack of ostentation. It is, then, not in disparagement of the Brooks Memorial, and those whom it is intended to benefit, that we suggested the change of plan. It simply seemed to us fitting that the welfare of a section should be merged in the general welfare, provided always that the individuals concerned were satisfied.

It is to be hoped therefore that some means may be found to surmount this difficulty, but after all it is a mere matter of detail. The important point is that the undergraduates want a University Club, and are prepared to do what they can under the guidance of the graduates to get it. It will take time and hard work. Therefore the sooner a beginning be made the better. This particular sum would be a good nest egg, but the money can be obtained from some other source, if all concerned will really get down to work.
