To the Editors of the Crimson:
The plan proposed in the editorial column of Friday's issue of the CRIMSON, to make the sum contributed for a Phillips Brooks Memorial a nucleus for the more comprehensive improvement of a University Club seems to me to call for careful consideration at the hands of every Harvard man. Valuable as is the work of the religious societies of this University it would certainly increase their influence to be in as close relationship with the whole College as quarters in a University Club would place them. They would not gain their new accommodations so quickly it is true, but the University as a whole would certainly gain.
What is now needed to set the University Club project which has lain idle so long squarely on its feet is in the first place of course a show of decided interest on the part of the undergraduates which will assure contributors as to the tangibility of the plan and in the second place something to clinch this tangibility, a sum of money to give it a definite start. The $60,000 which has been subscribed for a Brooks Memorial is 25 per cent. of the sum needed to guarantee the building of this club and it seems only just that those who now expect immediate benefit from this sum should join with their fellows in forwarding what seems so beneficial to the general cause.
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