

'99 FOOTBALL.- Game with Brookline High at 4 p. m. sharp. Following men be out at 3.45 dressed to play. Others need not dress. Johnson, Kilbourne, Huntington, Holden, Lloyd, Homans, Catlin, Stowell, Baldwin, Jackson, Nourse, Thompson, Stanwood, Adams, Simpson, Davis, Macomber, Simonds, Bigelow.

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- Backs be out at 3.30, all others at 3.45.

1900 FOOTBALL.- Practice at 4 p. m. sharp.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30 in Lawrence 1. Important. All men on last year's club must be present.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.


ALL members of the University wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association can do at Thurston's or at 205 Craigie Hall, Mondays, 1.30-2.30. The fee is $5 for the whole college course. Freshmen are urged to join at once.

LACROSSE.- Practice today at 4 o'clock sharp on Holmes Field. It is important that all new men come out to the fall practice as more time can be given them then.

WELD EIGHT row at 4 p. m. sharp.

WANTED.- Ten copies of Chardenal's First French Course for immediate use at the Prospect Union. Will those who can give or lend any please send address to the Union.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- Shoot tomorrow at Walnut Hill. All men be at Union Station at 1.50 p. m. sharp.

WELD BOAT CLUB.- Captains of all crews meet in Boat House office at 5 p. m.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB TRIALS.- The trials for candidates will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 20 and 21, instead of Oct. 19 and 20 as announced.

WANTED.- A good Atlas for the Prospect Union.

COPIES of Baker's Principles of Argumentation are greatly needed at the Prospect Union. Will those who can give or loan any such please send word to the Union and the books will be called for.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The General Secretary can be found in Grays 17 every morning except Tuesday from 11.15 to 12, and every afternoon except Saturday from 2.30 to 3.

CONTRIBUTORS to the November Monthly should send mss. to the editor in-chief, 53 Ware Hall, by October 15.

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TEACHERS wanted at the Prospect Union, especially for classes in book-keeping, arithmetic, telegraphy, history, economics, and architectural drawing; also men to give one evening per week for a few weeks to serving the Union in other ways. Please apply at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m., any day this week.
