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We wish to call attention once more to the scheme which has so long been in the air, of forming a University Club similar to those which have proved so successful at other colleges, notably at Pennsylvania. Last year practically nothing was done in the matter. There were two causes for this inaction. One was the hard times, which discouraged any effort to raise a large sum. The other cause had less weight. It was an unaccountable feeling on the part of some of the graduate promoters of the scheme, that the undergraduates did not heartily wish such a club. We are at a loss to explain this feeling, and it seems to us that beyond doubt the great majority of the undergraduates, who have thought about the matter at all, are heartily in favor of it. If there is any hesitation it has come from a fear that the plan would not be pushed, rather than a lack of confidence in the merits of the plan itself.

The occasion is now more favorable for raising funds, and we urge that the subject be thoroughly agitated. Furthermore, we wish to repeat a suggestion made in this column last spring. It was that the money, some $60,000, which has been raised for the Brooks House project, be made a neucleus for this more comprehensive improvement. It must be remembered that the original plan for the Brooks Memorial has dwindled sadly. Instead of $300,000 only $60,000 has been raised, so that at the best that plan is but a make shift. Even were this not so, a University Club on the scale which is desired would be able to accommodate the religious societies as well as a separate building could.

But, after all, these are really minor considerations. One of the greatest needs, not of a single interest, but of the whole University, is a large, comfortable club of the nature proposed. It is needed as a practical convenience. It is still more needed as a means of centralizing the life of the University. Surely these considerations have weight enough to take precedence over any purely sectional interests, even though they be as deserving of respect as the religious societies undoubtedly are. We do not wish to belittle this element of college life in the least, but with due regard to the fitness of things it seems to us eminently proper that supporters of the Brooks Memorial should take this opportunity of rendering valuable assistance to the general cause. It will be as easy to connect the name of Phillips Brooks with a University Club as with the small house proposed, and we venture to think that the large aims of the general club would have met with special favor in his eyes.
