Registration of the incoming academic class at Yale shows a total of 300, a falling off of 55 from last year. In the scientific school, however, there is a slight gain in numbers.
The open dates on the Yale football schedule have been filled as follows:
October 20, Brown at New Haven.
October 30, West Point at West Point
November 6, Chicago Athletic Club at New Haven.
The following second year men in the Law School were recently elected to the editorial board of the Harvard Law Review: Albert S. Hutchinson, Bowdoin '93; Arthur W. Machen, Jr., Johns Hopkins University '96.
At a regular stated meeting of the Deutscher Verein last evening the following officers were elected: President, G. McC. Sargent '99; vice-president, A. Washburn 1900; treasurer, R. A. Jackson '99; secretary, C. C. Hyde 2 L.
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