
The Track Men.

The annual Freshman fall track games will be held on Monday, October 25; the 'Varsity handicap meeting will be held on Friday, October 29.

From seventy-five to one hundred men are training daily for these games. Some of the old men are out, but the majority are Freshmen. Among the former are Bigelow, Dunstan, Green, Boyden and Shore in the sprints; Fox, Morse and Rorer in the hurdles; Fish in the quarter; J. G. Clark, Morse, Gould, Brooks and Hennen in the field events. Among the new men the most noticeable are Burke, Whitcomb and Applegate, the first the champion quarter miler, the other two, interscholastic point-winners in the same event; Mills, the interscholastic mile runner; and Robinson, who won the 100-yards dash in the national interscholastic meeting last spring.

Blue books for entries for both meeting will be placed in the gymnasium next week.
