WILL the following men please be at Soldiers Field to usher at the Amherst game: Trainer, Gray, G. Sargent, Graydon, Littig, Burgess, Rand, E. A. Boardman, Wadsworth, Scull. Badges will not be reserved after 2.15 p. m.
'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Very important rehearsal of last spring's club in 1256 Massachusetts avenue tonight at 6.45. Every man is requested to be present.
'99 FOOTBALL SQUAD.- Will the following men be out at a quarter of 4 sharp for signal practice before the game: Catlin, Homans, Huntington, Lloyd, Kilbourn, Stowell, Jackson, Baldwin, Bigelow, Simonds, W. Adams, A. Adams, Simpson, Thompson, Spencer, Stanwood, Macomber, Nourse. All others be dressed to play. Practice after the game also.
ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- There will be a meeting of the mechanical section at
7.30 this evening in Room 7, L. S. S. Mr. R. F. Massa will give a short talk on "Gas Engines." All students in mechanical engineering are urged to be present.
1900 FOOTBALL.- Be out at 2.30 in football clothes. Every one who has not taken the strength test must take it today.
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- Backs be out at 3.30, all others at 3.45.
WELD EIGHT row at 3.45 p. m. sharp.
LACROSSE.- Practice today on Holmes Field at 4 o'clock sharp. Men not having sticks can get them at 36 Matthews Hall.
DEUTSCHER VEREIN.- There will be an important meeting on Thursday, Oct. 14, at 8 p. m., in the old Pi Eta rooms. All members are particularly requested to be present. 14 2
CHESS CLUB.- Meeting tonight at 7.30 in Grays 31. All men interested in chess are cordially invited to be present.
COPIES of Baker's Principles of Argumentation are greatly needed at the Prospect Union. Will those who can give or loan any such please send word to the Union and the books will be called for.
REPUBLICAN CLUB.- Annual meeting for the election of officers Wednesday evening at 6.30 in Sever 10.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The General Secretary can be found in Grays 17 every morning except Tuesday from 11.15 to 12, and every afternoon except Saturday from 2.30 to 3.
TEACHERS wanted at the Prospect Union, especially for classes in bookkeeping, arithmetic, telegraphy, history, economics, and architectural drawing; also men to give one evening per week for a few weeks to serving the Union in other ways. Please apply at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m., any day this week.
THE St. Paul's Society will have a smoke talk Wednesday evening, Oct. 13, at the Colonial Club House, at which Rev. Endicott Peabody, of Groton, and Mr. Montague Chamberlain, of the Scientific School, will give short addresses. All Episcopalians who have entered the University this year are cordially invited.
THE first smoker of the Harvard Maine Club for the year will be held at 22 Ware Hall, Thursday, Oct. 14, at 8 p. m. All members of the College and Scientific School from Maine are eligible and are cordially invited. Freshmen and first year students will be especially welcome.
CONTRIBUTORS to the November Monthly should send mss. to the editor-in-chief, 53 Ware Hall, by October 15.
13 3t
CYCLING ASSOCIATION.- The annual meeting will be held in Sever 5, Thursday, Oct. 14, at 7.30. Election of officers.
ALL Harvard students whose religious affinities would naturally associate them with the Old Cambridge Baptist Church are cordially invited to the general church sociable and reception on Wednesday evening, October 13, from 7.30 to 10 o'clock p. m. 13 2
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