
Medical Visitation.

Students who are confined to their rooms by illness should send reports to the office (University Hall) before 10 a. m. They will then be visited before one o'clock. The nature of illness and degree of urgency should be stated, also the number of room in building Reports requiring immediate attention should be sent by a messenger and not by mail.

Consultaion.- The Medical Vistior may be consulted as follows:

8.45-9 a. m. Physiological Laboratory, L. S. S., east wing (daily except Sunday).

4-5 p. m. L. S. S. (except Saturday and Sunday).

Saturday, 12.45-1.15 p. m., L. S. S.


Sunday, 9.30-10 a. m., 7 Scott street.

Students able to go out are expected to utilize the regular consultation hours.

Emergencies.- After 8 a. m. and before 5.30 p. m., L. S. S.
