

CRIMSON.- Meeting of the board of editors tonight at 7.30 sharp.

1900 FOOTBALL.- All candidates be dressed to play at 4 p. m. sharp.

'98 FOOTBALL.- Practice at 4 p. m. sharp.

'99 FOOTBALL.- All candidates who were asked to take the strength test please do so between 2 and 4 today, or 2 and 4 tomorrow. Practice at 4 o'clock sharp.

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- The following men will please report today at the Gymnasium to Dr. Sargent for physical examination, each at the time set opposite his name. No one should miss his appointment, though there is no objection to exchanges: 9, C. H. Whitney; 9.10, T. H. Gray; 9.20, E. J. Hatch; 9.30, H. Lyman; 9.40, D. Daly; 9.50, W. Green; 10, P. H. Sylvester; 10.10, B. J. Cosson; 10.20, H. P. Henderson; 10.30, L. Watson; 10.40, W. R. Lawrence; 10.50, T. D. Hillen; 11, L. H. Briton and M. F. Hewitt; 11.10, L. B. Reed; 11.20, Merriam and J. T. Cutter; 11.30, Postleth waite; 11.40, C. C. Davis; 11.50, R. D. Swaim; 12, H. C. Morse.


FRESHMAN FOOTBALL.- Centres, quarters and all backs be dressed at 3.30. All others at 4.

GOLF CLUB.- Members who have not already received shingles may obtain them by applying at the Crimson office.

GOLF CLUB.- Members are notified that score cards may be obtained free of charge at Weinschenk's.

GOLF CLUB.- Members are expected when on the links to conform to the established etiquette of golf as contained in the rules.

THE following men will please meet at 2 Holyoke, Tuesday night, October 12 at 8 p. m.: H. P. White '99, G. F. Hurt '98, J. F. Wood '98, C. J. Harbeck 1901. To elect a captain of Bicycle Team. 12 2

CHESS CLUB.- Owing to the small number of entries to the annual fall chess tournament, it has been decided that the blue book placed at Bartlett's, be left for new entries till six o'clock Tuesday evening. On account of the loss of many old players, new men have never had so good a chance as now to gain responsible positions. In fact, the club must depend largely on its new material for the Intercollegiate team, and the University team which plays throughout the year important matches with the best chess clubs of Boston and vicinity.

THE Pen and Brush Club will meet in 33 Hastings on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock for the election of officers.

DELTA UPSILON.- Meeting tonight at 9 p. m.

HARVARD UNION.- Special business meeting tonight at 7 p. m. at 10 Thayer.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- First rehearsal will be held on Monday, Oct. 11, at 7 p. m. sharp, in Roberts Hall. All members and new men taken on trial must absolutely attend. Very important business meeting after rehearsal.

THE St. Paul's Society will have a smoke talk Wednesday evening, Oct. 13, at the Colonial Club House, at which Rev. Endicott Peabody, of Groton, and Mr. Montague Chamberlain, of the Scientific School, will give short addresses. All Episcopalians who have entered the University this year are cordially invited.

TEACHERS wanted at the Prospect Union, especially for classes in book-keeping, arithmetic, telegraphy, history, economics, and architectural drawing; also men to give one evening per week for a few weeks to serving the Union in other ways. Please apply at 22 Grays between 10 and 11 a. m., any day this week.

ALL men who wish to try for business positions on the Advocate should see the business manager, at Stoughton 2, as soon as possible.
