

Light Practice Yesterday.- Second and Third Elevens Line=up.

The football practice yesterday was of a rather light nature as far as the 'Varsity was concerned. The second and third elevens were lined up and ten minute halves were played. The preliminary practice consisted of dropping on the ball and going through signals. Brown, Haughton and Dibblee did some punting, coached by Forbes, and Cochrane tried place kicking at which he succeeded very well.

In going through signals the 'Varsity showed considerable improvement over yesterday. They were very speedy, and at times played with an encouraging snap. The game between the second and their elevens was loose. Neither side scored, and there was a great amount of fumbling.

Sanborn continues his excellent work and in yesterday's practice was particularly noticeable for the manner in which he followed the ball. He also ran well. Sawin who replaced Warren at full back made the only long run. He also did some rather good punting. Wheeler and Brown were the only 'Varsity men who played. The former was fairly active, but not particularly effective. G. M. Sargent '99, put up a very good game against him.

R. H. Hallowell '96, J. Dunlop '97, Emmons, Lewis and J. Crane '90, watched the practice.

The following was the line up of the 'Varsity: Cabot, l. e.; Donald, l. t.; Bouve, l. g.; Doucette, c; Shaw, r. g.; Wheeler, r. t.; Moulton, r. e.; Cochrane, q. b.; Dibblee, r. h. b.; Sullivan, l. h. b.; Brown, l. h. b.;


The first and second elevens lined up as follows:


Lewis, l. e. r. e., Graydon.

Wheeler, l. t. r. t., G. M. Sargent.

Mills, l. t. r. t. Littig.

Sargeant, l. g. r. g., Trainer.

Kidder, c. c., Hoague.

Burden, r. g. l. g., Boal.

Lee, r. t. l. t., Gray, Kingsbury.

Richardson, r. e. l. e., Davis.

Hatch, q. b. q. b., Adams, Farley.

Parker, r. h. b. l. h. b., Sanborn, Taylor.

Cozzens, l. h. b. r. h. b., Wadsworthy.

Bown, f. b. f. b., Warren, Sawin.
