To the Editors of the Crimson:
I would add a word to the discussion, which is running through your columns, concerning the Class Day exercises. In today's CRIMSON appeared an article with which I partly agree, but mostly disagree.
I, too, fail to see the point of the argument that we should extend the exercises one or two days, because "there are now so many spreads. that the guests do not and can not enjoy them." I will not speak for more eating; but I do favor the setting apart of several hours of an afternoon for spreads, in order that they may be more of the nature of teas. Under the present arrangement Seniors entertain either in football clothes-as I have seen-or in a more suitable apparel, put on in much haste, after a rub down. With several hours of an afternoon, unpreceded by a scrimmage, Seniors might entertain with much pleasure to themselves, with more time to see every one, and in much better form.
I can not agree with the writer that people from a distance would suffer great hardship from an extension of time. In fact I believe just the opposite; people can not and will not come here from a distance to spend a single day. This opinion is thoroughly impressed upon those of us who live outside of Massachusetts. There must be entertainment extending over several days to bring people three hundred miles or so.
As to the business and professional men-graduates of Harvard-I can see no reason why they should be inconvenienced by the change. Even if the exercises are extended, there is bound to be one day most full of interest, the day of the tree exercises. And the change of plan has the advantage that if a graduate can not come on one day he may be able to come on another.
The tree exercises themselves deserve comment. I can see no reason why another tree should not be chosen, if the crowd which attends the exercises is to be as large as in past years. The danger which attaches to so large a gathering within so small a space has been pointed out already; and the inconvenience of it is patent. With the sentiment-"the tree has been used so many years," I have no sympathy. I would not live in an old building, on that account, if I could live in a new one, with its numerous conveniences. Harvard has outgrown many things, and she can well outgrow some more. A tree exercise, with plenty of room for every one, would be a glorious innovation.
ARTHUR U. DILLEY.Cambridge, Jan. 6.
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