

On the Proposed Changes in the Class Day Exercises.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The Class Day Committee proposes to extend the Class Day exercises over two or three days and urges as a reason for this that "there are now so many spreads.. that the guests do not and can not enjoy them." It seems that this statement is at best open to argument.

It might be questioned whether the rush and crush of Class Day is not one of the time-honored, distinctive features of that time, and a cause for pleasurable excitement rather than misery. The interest and zest of the occasion would be likely to pall if spread over two or three days.

But, waiving these considerations, it seems obvious that the extension would be a great hardship to people living at a distance. The heat of the latter part of June is not the time for a pleasure-trip to Boston. Consequently if such a trip is undertaken by Seniors' friends it must be with the sole purpose of witnessing the Class Day exercises. Cases might be imagined, however, where families would find it impossible to remain for three days, for this purpose alone, in a Boston hotel. Furthermore, business and professional men-graduates-from Boston or from a distance, would in many instances be unable to spare three days to see exactly what they now see in one. These would all be forced either to lose a portion of the exercises or to stay away altogether. In this dilemma no one should be placed if it can possibly be avoided.


