PHYSICS C, Physics 1, Math. A, Math. D. Tutoring in above courses. Sixth year as tutor.
A. E. DOUCETTE, 3 Holyoke House.Also tutoring in German A, French A, Italian 1, and Spanish 1, by an experienced tutor.
F. C. COMMONS, Gr., 3 Holyoke House.93 2
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Special Notice.TUTORING in Math, A, Math. D, Chem. A, Physics B, Engineering A. Call or write.. A. E. DOUCETTE.42 Kirkland St.,
Special Notice.TUTORING in Chem. A, Physics B, Math. A, Math. D, Math. F. Engineering A. Call or write. A. E. DOUCETTE.42
Special Notice.TUTORING for Mid-year Exams: French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, 6, 6c; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b, 1c,
Special Notice.PIIYSICS C, Physics 1, Math. A, Math. D. Tutoring in above courses. Sixth year as tutor. A. E. DOUCETTE, 3
SPECIAL NOTICES.Tutoring in History 10 and 12. P.M. Keating, 6 Stoughton. Tutoring by W. H. Page, H. 16, in N. H.