To the Editors of the Crimson:
In a communication to Wednesday's CRIMSON two practical objections were made to the plan of the Class Day Committee for reforming the Tree scrimmage.
In the first place it was urged that "there would be an endless preliminary manoeuvering to get in the front rank." This, I think, could be prevented by the marshals as it has been in the past. It is true that the increased number of men who would take part in the scrimmage might necessitate some more stringent regulation than has heretofore existed. It might be necessary for a rope to be drawn in a large circle around the Tree and held by the marshals. The Seniors, as they march in, could be required to keep their position as the rope at whatever point their part of the procession stops, so that each man would have an equal chance of being favorably stationed when the scrimmage begins.
Secondly, it was objected that "the dozen men immediately encircling the Tree would be almost the only ones to get flowers." This is a physical impossibility. The Class Day Committee propose to fasten on the Tree a wreath of flowers four feet in breadth. It is hard to see how a dozen men could carry off this amount of flowers, to say nothing of tearing them off the Tree. Moreover, there would be no object in carring off more than a reasonable number, for the simple reason that the men behind would not permit it, but would deprive their greedy comrades of any superfluous spoil.
That the first men at the Tree would be unable to get out on account of the crowd behind is an objection of more weight; but it is not likely that this would be the case, because it would be to the manifest advantage of those men who are behind to make way for those who are between themselves and the flowers. Again it must be remembered that a slight delay in getting at the flowers is not a serious hindrance to the plan, since there will be plenty of flowers for everybody.
Compared with the old form of the scrimmage, the new plan promises to be infinitely superior. The dangerous and objectionable features are to be eliminated, while the good old custom is retained. "Z." '97.
Cambridge, Jan. 28.
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