THE hockey team of the Canadian Club would like to arrange a game of hockey with any other team in the University. Address,
R. O. KING, 94 Hammond St.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The semi-annual election of officers of the Christian Association will be held Thursday, the 28th, at 6.45 p. m., in Holden Chapel. The list of nominations is posted on the bulletin board of Holden Chapel.
'98 CREW.- Row at 3.50.
H. ADAMS.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The Christian Association will observe the Day of Prayer for Colleges by holding a special prayer meeting Thursday afternoon at half past one in Holden Chapel. R. S. Leypoldt, Sp., will lead. All men interested are cordially invited to be present.
MOODY MEETINGS.- Tickets distributed daily Holden Chapel between one and two.
PROSPECT UNION.- Teachers must not fail to meet their classes during the mid-year period, or to send competent substitutes if it is impossible for them to attend themselves.
HENRY W. FOOTE.'99 CREW.- Row at 3.10.
B. H.
All contributions for the February number of the Monthly must be sent to the editor-in-chief before Monday, February 1.
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