

No Headline

The members of the Senior class are, like the Class Day Committee, extremely sorry that the Committee of the Corporation has been misunderstood and in a number of communications unintentionally misrepresented. The Corporation Committee might justly feel that it has been treated with scant consideration, almost discourteously by the students.

The circumstances of the discussion should not be forgotten, however. Intense excitement was aroused by the supposed threat of abolishing the scrimmage. Seniors, through the misunderstanding, were led to feel that the management of an affair wholly their own was being taken from them without their consent. And to add to the irritation, justifiable under the circumstances, they were told that their opinions, even though embodied in a petition by a majority of the class, would have no weight. It was felt that their rights were to some degree infringed upon. In fact they had fully as much cause to be aggrieved and to feel that they had been treated inconsiderately as the Committee of the Corporation now has.

Now that it is known that the Corporation did not intend to force anything down our throats were are all extremely sorry for the misunderstanding and the breach which it caused, and feel that we ought to have known that a body composed of as wise and liberal men as the Corporation, would not treat the Senior class or any other body in the University with anything but honorable consideration and frankness.
