The plan of the Class Day Committee to send out return postal cards to each member of the Senior Class, asking his opinion on the Corporation's threatened abolishment of the "Tree," must receive the hearty co-operation of the class. The expression of opinion contained in the replies can only be of value if a complete poll of the class is taken. Let every man in the class fill out his blank card at once and return it to the committee.
It is the duty of every man in College, and particularly of every Senior, to consider the question of abolishing the "scrimmage" very carefully and calmly. For every Senior in the postal card poll or in the class meeting, and probably every other undergraduate in mass meeting will be called upon to take some decided stand. That the question is the most important that undergraduates have had to consider this year is shown by the intense excitement created throughout the student body and in the very fact that the Corporation is willing to interpose such peremptory and in our opinion uncalled for interference in a purely student affair.
The communications published will give the reader almost every main argument on each side.
Read more in Opinion
The Freshman Race with Columbia.