
The Freshman Glee Club.

The prospects for the Freshman Glee Club are at present somewhat better than they were. At the first two trials for candidates, the material was so poor that no effort was made to form a club from it. At a third trial, however, which was held Tuesday evening the showing was a good deal better. Nearly forty candidates tried and among them there was some fairly good material. From this number the following twenty-four men were taken on for further trial:

First tenors-G. F. Root, E. Gray, Jr., R. Hoe, Jr., H. B. Horley.

Second tenors-K. K. Carrick, G. H. Bunton, R. Haughton, F. U. Aldred, H. G. Parchen, H. H. Fiske.

First basses-W. B. Flandrau, T. S. Parker, T. M. Shaw, R. W. Bliss, A. T. Winslow, J. H. Lee, R. B. Bedford.

Second basses-M. Seasongood, E. C. Carter, W. H. Dougherty, L. B. Brown, W. C. Heilman, H. W. Kidder, L. Warren.


These men will be started on regular rehearsals as soon as possible. G. R. Osborne, as already announced, will act as temporary leader of the club.
