

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal to night at 6.45 for banjos only Banjeaurines and guitars come at 7.15.

R. G. PRATT.ALL '99 or 1900 men who intend to try for the position of business editor of the Harvard Advocate must communicate with the business manager, 33 Thayer Hall.

CHRISTAIN ASSOCIATION-The weekly meeting of the Christian Association will be held this evening at 6.45 o'clock in Holden Chapel. Subject: "Helps for Doubters." Hebrews: chapter XI. Leader: O. B. Huntsman '97. All members of the University are invited to be present.

GOLF CLUB.- Meeting today at 4.30 in Upper Dane. Open to all members of the University. Adoption of constitution, election of officers and other business.

BIBLE CLASS.- The class in the Life of St. Paul will study the eighth lesson tonight at 7.45 in 42 Hastings.


'98 CREW.- Following men be dressed to row at 3.50. Dobyns, K. Adams, Hurley, Marvin, Shiefe, Kinnicutt, Warner, Flershem, McBurney, Barnes, Butler, Barges, Irving, Wadsworth, Riggs, Brent, J. Adams, Robinson, Sayre, Rice, Hennen, Gould, Sanborn, Swan. Men whose names and not down need not train any longer.

H. ADAMS.TICKETS for the Chinese Bazaar for sale at Holden Chapel, 1-2 daily. All Harvard men requested to aid if they can do so.

MANAGERS.MOODY MEETINGS.- Tickets for Mr. Moody's meetings distributed daily in Holden Chapel, between 1 and 2. 84 5
