The contents of the current number of the Advocate which comes out today are:
"Methinks the Measure" (sonnet)
P. A. Hutchison.
One of the Elect, Fullerton L. Waldo.
Above the Trail, Henry James, 2d.
The Red Quean, H. W. Winchell.
"My Ghost," Joshua B. Holden, Jr.
Rondeau, Percy W. Long.
Cuba, 1896 (poem), Francis C. Todd.
Two Sketches, Guy Scull, H. P. Huntress.
Two Cowards and a Chain, R. F. Maynard.
College Day (poem), F. A. T., '80.
Editorials, College Kodaks. Book Reviews.
A three-light window in St. Saviour's, London, has been allotted to the memory of John Harvard, who was christened in that church in 1607. St. Saviour's will be re-opened with ceremony as a procathedral for South London on February 16. The rector has sent a proposal to the Corporation of the University to grant a sum for the window.
The condition of the ice for skating at the various ponds and rivers in the vicinity is as follows: Jamaica Pond, fair; Chandler and Strong ponds a Oak Square, fair; Spy Pond, good; Lower Mystic at West Medford, good; Charles River at Waltham, fair; Cow Pond at Spring St., good; Dedham Pond at Dedham, good.
Last evening L. C. Rood of the Medical School fai edio an attempt to break the amateur record in dumb-bell lifting, by putting up a dumb-bell weighing exactly 205 pounds. The record was established in 1874, by R. A. Pennell, in New York, by swinging a bell, weighing 201 1bs., 5 oz., with both hands to the shoulder, and then putting it up with one hand. The gymnasium last night was cold, and Rood was made somewhat nervous by the presence of a hundred spectators. However, he will later try again to break the record.
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