SIG. PAOLO TIORI.- Instructor of Italian. Address, St. Stephen's House, 7 Florence St., Boston, Mass. 85 2
TUTORING.- German A, B, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 6; Geology 4; Political Economy I.
LOUIS GERTEIS, 14 Stoughton.85 4
WANTED.- Regular or occasional work pressing and repairing clothes. Mending of all kinds. Well recommended. Address, M. Dempsey, 475 Rindge St. 2
GOVERNMENT 1.- Syllabus of the half-year's work in Government-for review. Price $1.00. For sale at Thurston's.
WANTED.- A room-mate at 12 Holyoke House, second floor. Terms reasonable. Call between 5 and 6. 86 2
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