
Order of Mid-Year Examinations.

Below is the order of the mid-year examinations. Examinations begin at 9.15 a. m., except when otherwise specified.

Wednesday, Jan. 27.Physics B, Upper Mass.

Thursday, Jan. 28.Semitic 16, Sever 17.

Indo-Iranian 1, Sever 17.

Latin F, Sever 17.


Class. Phil. 49, Sever 17.

English 7, Sever 35, 29.

English 23, Lower Dane.

German 6, Lower Dane.

Italian 3, Sever 17.

Philos. 1, U. and L. Mass., U. Dane.

History 19, Geol. Lect. Room.

Economics 2, Harvard 5.

Fine Arts 1, Sever 17 and 18.

Mathematics A, Harvard 6.

Mathematics C, Harvard 6.

Mathematics 3, Sever 5.

Physics 4, Sever 5.

Chemistry 9, Lower Dane.

Botany 2, Geol. Lect. Room.

Mining 6, Geol. Lect. Room.

Archaeology 1, Peabody Museum.

Friday, Jan. 29.Latin 7, Upper Mass.

German 5, Upper Mass.

Italian 1, Lower Mass.

Economics 5, Upper Mass.

Mathematics D, Lower Mass.

Engineering 4a, L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 10a, Rindge School.

Engineering 10b Rindge School.

Engineering 16c, L. S. S. Wing B.

Saturday, Jan. 30.Latin E, Sever 35.

Class. Phil. 51, Sever 35.

English 3, Lower Dane.

German 4, Upper Mass.

German 8, Sever 35.

French 2a, Lower Mass.

Spanish 1, Up. and Low. Dane.

Philosophy 11, Sever 35.

Government 13, Sever 35.

Economics 3, Sever 35.

Engineering 3a, Geol. Lect. Room.

Engineering 4d, L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 7a.

Engineering 10c, Rindge School.

Engineering 10d, Rindge School.

Engineering 10e, Rindge School.

Engineering 12a, L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 16d, L. S. S. 1.

Physics C, Upper Mass.

Geology 19, Geog. Lab.

Monday, Feb. 1.Semitic 1, Sever 35.

Greek 1, Sever 35.

Latin A, Sever 35.

Latin C, Lower Mass.

Latin DII, Sever 35.

Latin 8, Sever 35.

English 4, Lower Dane.

English 14, Lower Dane.

English 16, Lower Dane.

German 1b, Upper Dane.

Spanish 2, Lower Dane.

Philosophy 7, Divinity Lib.

Philosophy 17, Harvard 5.

History 8, Harvard 5.

History 10, Upper Mass.

Economics 4, Upper Dane.

Mathematics 2, Harvard 6.

Mathematics 5, Sever 24.

Geology 161, Zool. Mus. 2.

Tuesday, Feb. 2.Semitic 3, Sever 29.

Latin 1, Sever 29. 30.

Latin 6, Sever 17.

Class. Phil. 291, Sever 30.

English 2, Sever 35.

English 11, Sever 6.

English 29, Sever 5.

German B, Harvard 6.

German 7, Harvard 6.

French 2c, Upper Mass.

French 11, Sever 23.

French 15, Sever 23.

Comp. Lit. 2, Sever 23.

History 9, Upper Dane.

Architecture 1b, Arch. Bldg.

Mathematics 4, Lower Dane.

Mathematics, 7a, Lower Dane.

Mathematics 16, Lower Dane.

Engineertng 1a, Lower Mass.

Physics 9, Lower Mass.

Zoology 41, Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 21, Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 3, Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 14, Geol. Lect. Room.

Mineralogy 2, Mineral. Lab.

Mining 5, Geol. Lect. Room.

Wednesday, Feb. 3.Greek E, Lower Dane.

Greek F, Lower Dane.

Greek 3, Lower Dane.

Greek 7, Lower Dane.

Philosophy 6, Divinity Lib.

Thursday, Feb. 4.Semitic 7, Sever 30.

Greek A, Sever 29.

Greek 8, Sever 30.

Latin B, Sever 17.

Latin DI, Sever 18.

Class. Phil. 47, Sever 35.

German C, Sever 35.

German 1c, Harvard 5, 6.

Germ. Phil. 12, Harvard 5.

Italian 2, Sever 5.

Rom. Phil. 4, Sever 5.

Rom. Phil. 6, Sever 5.

Philosophy 13, Divinity Lib.

Government I, Up. and Low. Mass.,

Government I, Up. and Low. Dane.

Economics 14, Sever 6.

Engineering 6d, Geol. Lect. Room.

Engineering 11a, Geol. Lect. Room.

Zoology 3, Geol. Lect. Room.

2 p. m.Fine Arts 4, U. and L. Mass., Sev.

Fine Arts 4, 35, Up. and L. Dane.

Friday, Feb. 5.German A, U. and L. Mass., L. Dane.

French A, Sever 35 and 32.

Music 7, Lower Dane.

History 22, Lower Mass.

Botany 5, Bot. Mus.

2 p. m.Zoology 16, Zool. Mus., 4th floor.

Saturday, Feb. 6.Semitic 12, Upper Mass.

Greek C, Sever 29, 30.

Latin 12, Sever 30.

English 241, Sever 23,24.

German 1a, Sever 5, 6.

French 1b, Up. and Low. Dane.

French 8, Sever 23, 24.

Italian 4, Upper Mass.

Slavic 31, Upper Mass.

Philosophy 16, Upper Mass.

History 7, Lower Mass.

History 12, Harvard 5 and 6.

Economics 12, Lower Mass.

Mathematics F, Geol. Lect. Room.

Mathematics 121, Sever 24.

Mathematics 19, Sever 24.

Fngineering 1c, Sever 17, 18.

Engineering 2c, Sever 24.

Engineering 5a, L. S. S. 1.

Mineralogy 12, Mineral Lab.

Monday, Feb. 8.Greek 10, Harvard 5, 6.

Latin 2, Sever 29, 30.

English A, Up. and Lower Mass,, Geol.

Lect. Room, Sever 35.

Up. and Low Dane.

English 321, Sever 1, 5, 6.

French 14, Sever 30.

Slavic 1, Sever 30.

Philosophy 3, Sever 18, and 20.

History 13, Harvard 5.

Economics 11, Sever 17.

Mathematics 10, L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 18a, L. S. S. 1.

Physics 3, Jeff. Lab.

2 p. m.Germ. Phil. 151, Upper Mass.

Military Science 11, Upper Mass.

Tuesday, Feb. 9.Indo-Iranian 5, Sever 35.

Latin 3, Sever 35.

German E, Sever 35.

German F, Sever 35.

German G, Sever 35.

Government 10, Lower Mass.

Economics 61, Lower Mass.

Architecture 4a, Arch. Bldg.

Architecture 4b, Arch. Bldg.

Music 1, Upper Mass.

Chemistry B, Upper Mass.

Botany 3, Bot. Mus.

Zoology 11, Zool. Mus., 2d floor.

Wednesday, Feb. 10.Indo-Iranian 21, Sever 35.

Class. Phil. 54, Divinity Lib.

English 13, Sever 35.

German 91, Sever 35.

French 1c, Sever 35.

Philosophy 4, Upper Mass.

Philosophy 18, Upper Mass.

Government 5, Upper Mass.

Fine Arts 2, Sever 35.

Mathematics 24, Upper Mass.

Chemistry 4, Lower Dane.

Geology 15, Zool. Mus. 2.

Thursday, Feb. 11.Semitic 4, Sever 35.

Greek B, Sever 35.

German 2, Upper Dane.

Philosophy 21, Sever 5.

Philosophy 151, Sever 5.

History 3, Sever 6.

History 11, Sever 17.

Economics 15, Sever 35.

Architecture 1a, Arch. Bldg.

Mathematics 17, Sever 35.

Engineering 1f, L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 2a, L. S. S. 1.

Chemistry 1, Up. Mass., Up. and Low.

Dane, Sever 5.

Chemistry 6, Sever 35.

Geology 4, Geol. Lect. Room, Lower Mass., Harvard 5, 6.

Mining 21, Geol. Lect. Room.

Friday, Feb. 12.Class. Phil. 521, Sever 35.

English 1, Sever 35.

French 6, Sever 35.

Philosophy 12, Sever 35.

History 1, Upper and Lower Mass., Harv.

5 and 6, Up. and Low. Dane.

History 6, Div. Lib. 4.

History 17, Sever 5.

Architecture 2a, Arch. Bldg.

Mathematics 8, Sever 5.

Physics 61, L. S. S. 1.

Chemistry 21, Geol. Lect. Room.

Chemistry 5, Sever 5.

Geology 8, Zool. Mus. 2.

2 p. m.Economics 1, Up. and Low. Mass., Harv.

5 and 6, U. and L. Dane.

Saturday, Feb. 13.Semitic 6, Sever 35.

Egyptian, Sever 35.

Greek 2, Sever 19 and 20.

Greek 6, Sever 24.

Class. Phil. 38, Sever 18.

English 28, Lower Mass.

German 3, Harvard 5.

German 10, Sever 18.

French 1a, Sever 29, 30, 32.

French 6c, Lower Dane.

French 10, Sever 23.

Slavic 2, Sever 23.

Rom. Phil. 3, Sever 17.

Comp. Lit. 1, Sever 17.

Philosophy 5, Upper Mass.

Philosophy 8, Sever 5.

Government 4, Upper Dane.

Economics 9, Harvard 6.

Physics 1, Sever 35.

Geol. 10. Geol. Lect. Room.

Geology 13, Zool. Mus. 2.

Zoology 11, Zool. Lect. Room, Geol. Lect.


Mathematics 13, Sever 5.

Engineering 1b. Upper Mass.

Engineering 16a, L. S. S. Wing B.
