
Report of the Museums.

The report of the Museum of Comparative Zoology for the year 1895-96 has been issued. During the past year several changes have taken place. The department of petrography has been merged into that of mineralogy, in charge of Professor Wolff. The Jurassic and Cretaceous faunal collections have been opened to the public and a number of fossils have been acquired. The library has increased to over thirty thousand, including the Whitney library. Several specimens have been purchased including a rhinoceros, a zebra, and several European mammals.

There have been two severe losses in the deaths of Professor Whitney and Dr. Slade. Professor Whitney was the oldest officer of the Museum and has left it a valuable library and numerous specimens.

An expedition was made last spring by Professor Agassiz to the coral reefs of the Pacific near Australia. Other minor expeditions were made to the Everglades.

The Museum is greatly in need of funds and enlarged quarters. Since the death of its founder, Professor Agassiz, the Museum has more than doubled in size, but its endowment has remained stationary. A marine laboratory, and the completion of the wing devoted to the Peabody Museum, with a small section of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, are needed. In order to keep up with the progress of science a larger income must be had.

Professor F. W. Putnam, curator of the Peabody Museum, has submitted his report for 1895-96 to the President of the University.


In spite of the financial depression during the year, the Museum has received a little timely assistance in the way of pecuniary aid. Valuable specimens have been presented and additions to the library have been made, by friends of the Museum.

Last year was the fiftieth anniversary of the coming of Agassiz to this country. It is hoped that the year 1897 will bring with it the means of extending the Museum 100 feet to meet the corner structure, which would complete the Museum edifice planned by him.

The total receipts of the Museum for the year ending August 31, 1896, were $13,747.29. The total expenditures were $13,122.84.
