

The Athletic Committee Considers the Erection of Temporary Stands.

The Athletic Committee met a number of students in the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium last evening and heard their views in support of the petition for temporary stands on Holmes Field.

Professor Beale first spoke of the proposed removal of baseball and track athletics to Soldiers Field and the feeling of the Corporation in the matter. The Corporation would be willing to give $15,000 towards the improvement of the field if the athletic management would supply the remainder. They wish to have the field present as good an appearance as possible, without unsightly seats. They would prefer to have the baseball diamond on the football field with the same seats for both. The opinion of students was asked for, and was unanimously against the plan. Professor Hollis then showed with the aid of a map a scheme devised by Mr. Peabody, the architect, by which the fields would be separate but the seats would be in line and those of the diamond would continue in a curve behind the backstop. The running trach would enclose the football field. This met with the approval of Captain Dean and Captain Vincent.

The question of the petition was then taken up. It was agreed that the nine and track team could not go to Soldiers Field this spring as the diamond and track would not be prepared so soon, and the question discussed was the necessity of having temporary grand stands on Holmes Field. Captain Vincent said that it would be very necessary in order to have sufficient attendance to raise money and keep up the interest of the competitors. Captain Dean thought that the success of the baseball season would depend very much on the grand stands. Many of the students present discussed the question and brought out good reasons in favor of the petition.

After the discussion was ended, the Athletic Committee held a meeting to consider the petition asking that Rondelle be engaged as instructor in fencing. The petition was refused on the ground that Mr. Rohs has already been engaged for that purpose and is now giving instruction at the Gymnasium.


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