

On the Manner of Supporting the Proposed Infirmary.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

A short time ago the CRIMSON, in an article on the proposed infirmary, cited several plans for its support which are under discussion. One of these, which was referred to as being favored by the authorities, was that of making a charge of $5.00 over and above the tuition fee of each student.

Looking at it in every way this suggestion cannot but seem unfair to me. Would it not simply be a case of the many paying for the few? There are many students resident in Cambridge and the vicinity who always go home in case of illness, yet under such a system they would be forced to pay the same as those who live in California. Again there are those who, having plenty of mony, would rather be cared for in their rooms or go to some private hospital than be taken to the infirmary. These too would be subjected to an arbitrary charge. Another obvious objection is that there are many men who are never sick, to whom such a charge would be a most unwelcome mockery. Further it is pretty certain that there are those who would rather take their chances of being sick than pay $5.00 without a very tangible cause. Last, but not least, those who did go to the infirmary for any length of time would be getting more than they paid for, and many of them might be better able to pay for what they really received than some of those who were paying for them. I do not mean by these arguments to cry down the project of an infirmary; the experience of past years has shown our urgent need of one only too well. Would it not be better and fairer, however, if each man paid for what he received? The charges would be very reasonable as paying expenses would be the only object.

