'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7 o'clock tonight.
R. B. FLERSHEM.LAMPOON.- There will be a meeting of the board in the Sanctum, Thursday evening, Jan. 14, at 9 o'clock. Initiation.
H. T. NICHOLS, Pres.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The monthly missionary meeting of the Christian Association will be held next Thursday evening at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. Subject: "The True Spirit;" John III: 16. Leader, H. K. Stanley '97. All members of the University are invited to be present. The semi-annual election of officers will be held on Thursday evening, January 28. The officers to be chosen are a president, three vice-presidents, a recording secretary, a treasurer, and a librarian. All nominations should be sent to J. E. Gregg, chairman of the committee on nominations, before January 21.
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