

The Faculty Refuses to Permit the Spring Play to be Given in New York.

Early last fall the undergraduate members of the Hasty Pudding Club and over three hundred graduate members now resident in New York City presented petitions to the Faculty of Arts and Sclences to permit the annual spring theatricals of the club to be given in New York during the Spring Recess next April. After prolonged consideration the Faculty yesterday decided by a vote of over two to one not to grant the petitions, and it is understood that this vote will settle the matter for some years to come.

The first Hasty Pudding Theatricals to be given in New York were those of the year 1889, which were also given in Philadelphia. Ever since then, up to last year, when the Faculty took its present stand, the spring play has been given in New York during the Easter Vacation.

This year's play will be given as usual in Cambridge and in Boston. Most of the music is being written by J. A. Carpenter '97, and the libretto by H. Schurz '97 and J. P. Welsh '97.
