
The '99 Crew.

The Sophomore crew began work in the Gymnasium yesterday afternoon, 56 candidates coming out. These were divided into three squads; the first squad is in charge of H. McDuffie and will report hereafter at a quarter past three o'clock. The other two, in charge of B. H. Dibblee and G. D. Marvin, will report at half past three. Both the latter squads will meet in the rowing room. The work for the present will consist of twenty minutes' work on the machines, chest weights and a short run out of doors. The men who reported yesterday and whose names were not handed in at the first meeting of the class crews are: G. H. Dennison, Huntress, R. Jackson, H. Coonley, W. M. Scudder, Simmons, Bancroft, Hollings, Simpson, Alger, C. Sargent.
