'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- All men be at the Puritan Club, corner Beacon and Spruce Streets, Boston, tonight at eight o'clock.
R. L. SCAIFE, Sec.HARVARD C. L. S. CLUB.- There will be a meeting tonight at 8 at 18 Weld. Important business. Refreshments.
HUGH BANCROFT, Sec.FENCING CLUB.- All members of the club who intend to try for either the junior or the intercollegiate team or are in any way interes ed in fencing are earnestly requested to meet in the club rooms Wednesday evening, Jan. 13, at 8 o'clock sharp.
LAMPOON.- There will be a meeting of the board in the Sanctum, Thursday evening, Jan. 14, at 9 o'clock. Initiation.
H. T. NICHOLS, Pres.INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATING COMMITTEE.- Meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in Thayer 30.
F. C. SUTRO, Sec.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The monthly missionary meeting of the Christian Association will be held next Thursday evening at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. Subject: "The True Spirit;" John III: 16. Leader, H. K. Stanley '97. All members of the University are invited to be present. The semi-annual election of officers will be held on Thursday evening, January 28. The officers to be chosen are a president, three vice-presidents, a recording secretary, a treasurer, and a librarian. All nominations should be sent to J. E. Gregg, chairman of the committee on nominations, before January 21.
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