

Prospects of the Eleven.- The Provisional Schedule of Games.

The prospects for a successful season in cricket this year are unusually bright. All of last year's eleven except P. H. Clark '96 and G. Lippincott '96 have returned to college. Moreover, the eleven will be much strengthened by the addition of D. H. Adams and J. G. Scattergood, both of last year's Haverford eleven. During the Haverford cricketing tour in England last summer, Adams had the best bowling average and he and Scattergood stood second and third respectively in the batting averages. The latter also had a brilliant record as wicket-keeper. Adams has been chosen for the All-Philadelphia eleven that is to play in England this summer. Among the other promising new players that have entered Harvard this year are O. Byrd '00, of last year's St. Paul's School eleven, and I. N. Webster '97 of Haverford. Most of the bowling this year will probably be done by Adams, Dupont and Hastings. Other bowlers are Comfort and Byrd. The players of last year's eleven now in college are W. W. Comfort 2G., E Dupont '97, E. H. Wells '97, W. Byrd '97, H. G. Gray '97, T. M. Hastings '98, C. S. Morgan '98, H. D. Scott '98 and H. Blanchard '98.

There is yet some uncertainty as to where the practice will be held this year, but probably Holmes Field will be selected. The eleven practiced there the spring of '94. As there is no regular cricket pitch on the field, a cocoanut matting has to be stretched over the ground after it has been well rolled. Beacon Park, where the eleven practiced last year through the kindness of the Zingari eleven, has been bought up by a railroad.

A new feature is to be introduced into this year's practice, namely, work in the cage in the gymnasium. This will afford candidates an opportunity of learning the principles of batting and bowling before the out door practice begins.

This year the intercollegiate matches with Haverford and the University of Pennsylvania are to be played in Boston. The rule is that one year Harvard goes down to Philadelphia and the next year the Philadelphia elevens come up to Boston. The matches here are played at Longwood, on the grounds of the B. A. A. eleven. The dates have not yet been settled but they will probably be during the third week in May. The provisional schedule of the Harvard eleven is given below. Two Saturdays have been reserved, one for an intercollegiate match and the other for a match with the St. Paul's School eleven if possible.

The schedule is as follows:


May 5. Zingari at Boston.

May 8. Brockton at Brockton.

May 12. B. A. A. at Longwood.

May 15. Lowell at Lowell.

May 19. B. A. A. at Longwood.

May 22. Open.

May 26. Boston at Franklin Field.

May 29. Open.

May 31. Albion at Highlandville.

June 2. Zingari at Boston.

Oct. 9. Brockton at Brockton.
