
Special Notice.

FOR SALE.- Four first-class bicycles at a discount. Address F, CRIMSON office. 65 tf

LETTERS at this office for B.

STUDENTS can secure transient or permanent board and rooms for themselves, their relatives and friends visiting Cambridge at this time. Terms reasonable. At 1684 Massachusetts avenue, near Shepard street. Strictly first class.

57 tf

ECONOMICS I.- Verbatim notes on sale at



CLUB TABLES for next year can be engaged now at

MRS. RANSFORD'S, 22 Prescott St.Visitors to Cambridge accommodated till end of June. 95-tf

TUTORING.- History I.

C. E. WHITMORE, Jr., Hollis 12.77 tf

A MONTH'S cruise on a sailing vessel. It is desired to make up a party of ten or fifteen college men, the trip to begin July 1. It will extend along the Eastern coast as far as Nova Scotia, then of shore to the Bermudas. A good chance to rough it. For particulars address E. W. Perry, New Bedford, Mass. 96 2t

The leading feature in the Crawford Shoe-it fits the average human foot as good as a shoe made to order.

HISTORY 1.- Full notes from this year's lectures. Arranged for easy and quick review. Ready June 1. Price, $2. For sale by E. F. Cummings, 94 Prescott street, or delivered on receipt of postal.

LOST.- On Friday evening June 5, on Holmes Field, a Victor Bicycle, chained. If returned to the janitor of Ware Hall, a suitable reward will be given and no questions asked.

LOST.- A fountain pen between Radcliffe College, Harvard square and Everett street. Finder will greatly oblige by returning to 29 Everett street.

LOST.- Pair of Field Glasses, of Aluminum, in black leather box, with Munich stamped on cover. Liberal reward to finder. Return to Thurston's, Cambridge. 96 4t

TICKETS for all points West, via Boston and Albany, New York Central, Lake Shore, Big Four, Michigan Central, Northern Steamship Co., Great Northern.

LLOYD and LUNT, 27 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 6.30-7.30 p. m.

TUTORING in Greek and Latin, German A, B, and 1b, French A, 1a, 1b, and 1c.

W. M. CANNON A. M., 15 Hollis.91 10t

BEFORE deciding on your route to the south or west call on Walter Soderling, 23 College House, and secure rates by the most attractive lines, low fares and special privileges to students. Hours-1.30 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m. 93 mws 7t
