

By Winning the Second Game Harvard Wins the Series.

Harvard defeated Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon in the second game of the series by the score of 11 to 3.

Although the game was rather loosely played, Harvard had much the better team and excelled both in the field and at the bat. Paine pitched a steady and effective game and allowed U. of P. but seven hits. He was well supported by Scannell who caught and threw to bases in splendid form.

The Harvard team as a whole played a good, steady game. In the out-field Rand and Burgess did some fine playing. In the third inning Rand made a phenomenal catch of a hard liner, and Burgess' assists, cutting off men at second and third, were very good.

The batting of the team was excellent, all of the men making hits with the exception of Dean, while Haughton, Scannell and Chandler each had three hits to their credit.

Pennsylvania was very weak in the box, and neither Wunder or Ritchie were at all effective. The fielding was for the most part ragged, though Blakely and Middleton did well, and at the bat Ritchie was the only man who could do much.


Neither team scored in the first inning. In the second Haughton took first on Johnson's muff, but was out trying for second. Rand was safe on Holloway's wild throw and stole second. Wunder tried to catch him off the base and threw where there was nobody to catch the ball, and Rand scored.

In the third, after Wilhelm had flied out to Rand, Ritchie hit safely and stole second, and then scored on Chandler's muff of Wunder's pop fly. The next two men went out in order. In their half of the inning Harvard knocked Wunder completely out of the box. Four runs were made on hits by Scannell, Burgess, Clarkson, Haughton, Rand, Stevenson and Paine.

In the next inning Blakely got his base on an error and scored on Jackson's hit to left, which would have been a home run, but Jackson was out for not touching third.

In the fifth, U. of P. made their last run. Wilhelm got a double and scored on a wild pitch and another double by Ritchie. Harvard scored twice. Haughton, Stevenson and Chandler all made two-base hits, bringing in two earned runs.

Harvard scored twice again in the sixth on hits by Scannell, Burgess and Haughton, and twice more in the seventh through Chandler's scratch hit, a two bagger by Scannell and Jackson's error.

The score:


a.b. r. b.h. p.o. a. e.

Dean, 2b. 4 0 0 3 3 0

Scannell, c. 3 3 3 9 3 0
