
Lacrosse Game with Toronto.

The lacrosse squad has been having hard practice daily in preparation for the game with the Toronto University team today. Finlayson, an experienced Canadian player, now a member of the Boston lacrosse team, has been doing the coaching. The Harvard team is weak in stickwork, and to improvement in this particular, the practice has been especially directed. The greater part of the team have learned all they know of lacrosse since coming to Harvard, while several have played this year for the first time. For this reason the team will be at some disadvantage in playing with the Canadians, who are all experienced players. It is probable that either before or after the game the Toronto team will give an exhibition of throwing and passing.

The game will be played at three o'clock on Holmes Field. The line up will be:

Goal, Sand; point, Starr; cover point, Woods, first defence, Abbe; second defence, Curtis; third defence, Dearborn; centre, Horne; third attack, Beecher; second attack, Leighton; first attack, Burley; outside home, Scott; inside home, Ring.
