
Ushers for the Game.

The following men are requested to usher at the Princeton Game today. All must be on hand at 2 o'clock sharp.

A. Borden, T. Hoague,

W. Bouve, C. A. Hurley,

D. Cheever, E. M. Hurley,

A. Codman, L. W. Jenkins,


R. Duff, C. Jenney,

J. W. Dunlop, H. G. Nichols,

J. C. Fairchild, E. L. Rantoul,

S. W. Fordyce, C. C. Rumrill,

S. L. Fuller, G. H. Scull,

B. H. Hayes, L. B. Valentine,

J. J. Hayes, H. M. Woodruff,

R. S. Huidekoper, E. N. Wrightington.

W. H. SANDERS, Manager.
