
Holmes Field Petition.

As announced yesterday a blue-book has been left at Leavitt's in which may be entered signatures to the petition to the Corporation published yesterday morning against giving up Holmes field as an athletic ground.

As all probably know, it was proposed last year to remove all the seats from Holmes field at the close of college. The removal, however, was delayed. This year the plan of giving up Holmes Field as an athletic ground was again taken up and the Corporation voted that the seats be taken from the Field by July 1 of this year.

Practically this means that there can be no more games or sports of any kind held on Holmes field.

At the mass meeting held Tuesday night to protest against this change, the petition was drawn up. A large number of men have already signed it, but it is hoped that all students still in Cambridge will sign at once, as the blue-book will be taken down after Class Day.
