
At Poughkeepsie.

[Associated Press.]

POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., June 17.- Interest in the work of the college oarsmen centred this afternoon in the Cornell crews, who took their first spin on the river shortly after 5 o'clock.

The Columbia and Harvard Crews rowed at the upper end of the course tonight. They took short spins, having been through extended practice in starts and spurts during the morning. Columbia rowed with a new set of Donoghue oars. Their new shell is giving entire satisfaction.

Guy Richards, the Columbia coach, was to have refereed the Yale freshmen-Wisconsin race at New Haven tomorrow, but he telegraphed to the management today that it was well-nigh impossible for him to keep the engagement, and unless the authorities refuse to release him he will remain with his crew. Guy Richards and Coach Mumford, of Harvard, had a conference in town today in reference to the method of policing the course.
