In the regatta to be held this afternoon on the Charles, the Weld crew rows the Riveside crew in the junior crew class, and, if they win, will also row in the intermediate class against the Shawmut crew. The regatta promises to be most successful, as a number of Boston crews are entered, and the City of Boston has appropriated $500 for prizes.
The course will be a mile and a half down stream to the Union Boathouse. The race will start at 3 p. m.
The make-up of the Weld crew follows:
Stroke, F. Dobyns '98, 147
7 A. Dubois '98, 147
6 E. V. Dexter '97, 170
5 H. C. Cornwell '97, 155
4 A. W. Stevens '97, 153
3 J. A. Butler '98, 155
2 R. F. Blake '99, 145
Bow, W. S. Youngman, L. S., 157
Coxswain, Orton.
Three of the men have had no previous experience in rowing, Du Bois, Dexter and Butler. Dobyns was substitute on the '98 crew. Cornwell has rowed three years on the '97 crew which he captained this year. Stevens rowed 4 on '97 last year and stroked the same crew this year. Blake has rowed on the B. A. A. junior crew. Youngman, who is captain, rowed 2 on the '95 Senior crew, and in '95, with B. W. S. Thomson L. S., he won the junior double-scull championship of New England.
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