
Special Notice.

QUADRANGULAR boat race at Poughkeepsie on the Hudson River, June 26- Shortest and most direct line is via the New England Railroad. Round trip excursion tickets good going June 25 and returning until June 27, will be sold at ticket offices, 3 Old State House and Station foot of Summer street. Train leaves Boston at 8.30 a. m., June 25, due at Poughkeepsie 4.55 p. m. Returning leaves Poughkeepsie June 29, 9.25 a. m., due in Boston at 6.30 p. m. Don't miss it.

NEW YORK ACCOMMODATIONS.- A few young men can be accommodated for summer or winter at 18 W. 45th street. College men especially desired. Refer by permission to Harvard graduates. References required. 2 4t

TO THE BOAT RACE.- The Boston and Albany R. R. will sell tickets from Boston to Poughkeepsie and return either via Hudson or Albany for $5.50. The tickets will be good going June 25 or 26, and good for return passage June 26 and 27. 99 tf

HOWELL'S "Whist Openings," an exposition of the short suit game now out. Price $1.00. Apply to Hollis 4. 3 2t

CLASS DAY.- To Let, a suite of rooms for Class Day and Commencement week at 26 Holyoke street. 4 2t


F. R. BAIN, 42 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., has opened a Bureau of Information for the use of strangers coming to this city, in all matters pertaining to the races to be rowed there June 24 and 26. Persons desiring accommodations during their stay there can obtain them by writing to the above address.

WANTED.- Copies Physics B (June 15) and Physics C (June 6) make-up examinations. Drop postal, giving name and address. Address X, Leavitt and Peirce.

TABLE BOARD.- Club tables for the College year 1896-7 can now be secured at Mrs. E.S. Evans 1124 Massachusetts Ave., opp. Remington St. Price $6.00 per week. 4 3t

NEW ENGLAND Tent Club, Dirigo, Maine, owns a group of islands in Penobscot bay; each member has the free use of houses, boats, tennis, golf, field games, tents and full camping equipment; send for handsomely illustrated brochure to Harriman Bros., Landscape Engineers, 3 Somerset street, Boston. 3 4t

TABLE BOARD.- During the college year of 1896-97 a limited number of students will be accommodated with first class table board at 10 Remington street. Price $8.00 per week. Apply to C. S. Hawes, 1691 Cambridge street. 3 4t

BEFORE deciding on your route to the south or west call on Walter Soderling, 23 College House, and secure rates by the most attractive lines, low fares and special privileges to students. Hours- 1.30 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m. 93 mws 7t

TICKETS for all points West, via Boston and Albany, New York Central, Lake Shore, Big Four, Michigan Central, Northern Steamship Co., Great Northern. Rates to Poughkeepsie for the races.

LLOYD AND LUNT, 27 Thayer Hall.Office hours, 6.30-7.30 p. m. 0 tf

CLUB TABLES for next year can be engaged now at

MRS. RANSFORD'S, 22 Prescott St.Visitors to Cambridge accommodated till end of June. 95-tf
