After the excess to which the celebration of the victory over Princeton was carried last Wednesday night, it was felt by both officers and students of the University that something should be done to regulate future celebrations. A meeting of the President, several officers and a number of students interested in athletics was held Friday and the best means of celebrating victories was discussed. It was agreed by both the Faculty members and the students that the use of firearms and explosives was unwise. The faculty representatives differed, however, from the students, in wishing that bonfires on Holmes Field be discontinued or be moved to Soldiers Field.
The students therefore drew up the following petition and presented it to President Eliot:
To President Eliot;
DEAR SIR:- We the undersigned believe that we voice the sentiment of the College student body in strongly condemning the use of fire-arms and explosives by the students, after an athletic victory, or at any other time, and we believe that it would be possible to control such objectionable demonstrations.
We further believe that an organized celebration is possible, and to that end propose that the President of the Senior Class, and such men as he may appoint, be given charge of the celebrations.
We feel that the form of celebration most prized by the students and most easily controlled is a bon-fire, and we honestly believe that Holmes Field is the best place for a fire because a centralized celebration is more easily controlled. We therefore request, on behalf of the students of the University, that we be allowed to have a bon-fire, of proper materials, after an athletic victory, on Holmes Field.
J. C. Fairchild, B. H. Hayes,
R. H. Stevenson, Jr. J. L. Bremer,
W. L. Garrison, S. Heckscher,
J. Dean, F. W. Moore,
J. Wiggin, F. A. Burlingame,
D. D. Scannell, W. Adams,
A. M. Beale, G. W. Thompson,
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