No department of the University offers more attractions at this time of the year than the Botanical Gardens. The garden is now at its height and nearly all the plants are in bloom. Besides the ordinary plants which flower at this time of the year there are now several rare and beautiful specimens about to bloom.
The Century Plant of which mention was made in the CRIMSON some time ago is now budded and will be in full bloom in a few days. The stalk of this plant is ten feet high with the blossoms at the top.
Another rare and interesting plant which is now in bloom is a Night Blooming Cereus. The blossoms are about fourteen inches in diameter and about the same in length. They open at about 6 p. m., and remain open all night, closing at about 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning.
There are many beautiful orchids in bloom, chief among which is the Holy Ghost plant, so named because its bloom resembles a tiny white dove. A large Borgainvillea also is in flower. Several new cacti have recently been received among which is the finest specimen in this vicinity of the Cereus Gigantus.
Most of the ferns and palms have been removed from the greenhouse to one corner of the garden where a beautiful semi tropical garden has been formed. Here are many rare palms, ferns and cacti, and also one or two specimens of the Night Blooming Cereus about to bloom.
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