QUADRANGULAR boat race at Pough-keepsie on the Hudson River, June 26-Harvard-University of Pennsylvania-Columbia-Cornell. Fine opportunity for witnessing this exciting aquatic event is offered by the New England Railroad, the shortest and most direct line from Boston to Poughkeepsie. Train leaves Boston 8.30 a. m., June 25th, due at Poughkeepsie 4.55 p. m. Returning, leave Poughkeepsie 9.25 a. m., June 27th, due at Boston 6.30 p. m. Round trip rate only $5.50. Ticket offices, 3 Old State House, Boston; station, foot of Summer street, Boston.
WANTED, two first-class men to act as canvassers for Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia. The right parties can secure good paying positions by applying at once.
D. APPLETON and Co., 156A Tremont Street, Boston.1 2t
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