
Observation Train Tickets.

Application blanks for tickets on the observation train for the 'Varsity and Freshman races may be obtained at Thurston's, Leavitt and Peirce's, Wright and Ditsons, and at the various Boston clubs. Seats will be $2.00 each. Applications must be sent before June 20, noon, to Guy Richards, Chairman of the Boat Race Committee, 29 West Forty-second street, New York City. Further directions are printed on the blanks.

The Harvard cars on the observation train are those next the middle and all applications marked Harvard will be assigned from these cars.

Definite announcements as to rates from Boston and return will be made later. An excursion rate of $5.50 good going June 25 and returning until the 27th inclusive, is already assured.

FRED W. MOORE, Graduate Manager.
