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We wish to express our appreciation of the very generous treatment which the Baseball Team received at Princeton on Wednesday. From the first moment that the team appeared on the field all their good plays were applauded with the utmost impartiality, and before the game began the students cheered for Harvard for several minutes. No effort was made to rattle the players even when a misplay might have ruined Harvard' chances.

Undoubtedly this excellent reception of the team was chiefly due to the spirit of fair play which has always characterized Princeton. Besides this, however, a number of undergraduates took pains to thank the Harvard men for what they considered the very gentlemanly conduct of the crowd which attended the last Harvard-Princeton game at Cambridge. They felt that they were under an obligation to make what return they could on the first possible occasion.

The present friendly feeling which exists between Princeton and Harvard is one of the pleasantest results of the renewal of athletic contests between the two universities. To cultivate this spirit of generous rivalry in our athletics is of much more importance than the mere winning of victories. When the Princeton team plays in Cambridge next week let us remember that we are bound by common courtesy to give it the warmest kind of a reception.
