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The action, which the CRIMSON has taken in denying to the correspondents of certain Boston newspapers the privileges of its office, is not taken because the sensational stories, appearing in several papers yesterday morning, were the work of these men. We are glad to deny any such rumor that may have been spread through the University. As far as we can discover not one of the reports of the celebration which were printed yesterday morning was the work of a Harvard student. They were done by persons sent out from the papers especially to cover the celebration. It is needless to add that the articles they wrote were false, contemptible pieces of sensational journalism, and respectable papers should have refused to publish them.

By our vote of yesterday we mean to show to those Boston newspapers that have made themselves most conspicuous in the past, by the publication of similar articles, that we are unwilling to have the name of the CRIMSON in any way connected with these reports, and that we refuse to extend any privileges whatsoever to the Harvard representatives of these papers.
