FOR SALE.- Four first-class bicycles at a discount. Address F, CRIMSON office.
65 tf
CLUB TABLES for next year can be engaged now at
MRS. RANSFORD'S, 22 Prescott St.Visitors to Cambridge accommodated till end of June. 95-tf
TUTORING.- History I.
C. E. WHITMORE, Jr., Hollis 12.77 tf
TUTORING in Greek and Latin, German A, B, and 1b, French A, 1a, 1b, and 1c.
W. M. CANNON A. M., 15 Hollis.91 10t
The leading feature in the Crawford Shoe-it fits the average human foot as good as a shoe made to order.
BEFORE deciding on your route to the south or west call on Walter Soderling, 23 College House, and secure rates by the most attractive lines, low fares and special privileges to students. Hours-1.30 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m. 93 mws 7t
PACKING BOXES for sale. Apply to W. H. Eveleth, superintendent of grounds.
97 6t
FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for students, in a private family. Moderate charge.
MRS. KULLMAN, 5 Temple St., Cambridgeport.97 3t
LOST.- Pair of Field Glasses, of Aluminum, in black leather box, with Munich stamped on cover. Liberal reward to finder. Return to Thurston's, Cambridge. 96 4t
The Crawford Shoe leads in style and has a custom made look about it which other makers try to imitate without succeeding.
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