CRIMSON.- Meeting of the board at 1.30 today. All editors must attend; important.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- The photograph of the society will be taken on Tuesday, June 2d, at 1 p. m., in rear of Sever. Business meeting and election of officers on Wednesday, June 3d, at 7 p. m., in 17 Grays.
H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.SOUTHERN CLUB.- Picture will be taken Tuesday at 1.30 o'clock behind Sever.
O. F. RICHARDS, Sec.DELTA UPSILON.- The photograph will be taken Monday at 1.15 back of Sever.
G. W. MATHEWS, Sec.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Very few men have as yet signified their intention of attending the dinner to be held June 15, at the Parker House in Boston, and as it is absolutely necessary that the committee in charge know at once how many are going, all present members and graduates are urged to sign immediately.
THE Grotonian Club dinner has been postponed till Saturday, June 13. Members wishing to attend are requested to write to the secretary before June 6.
W. A. GARDNER, Secretary.ENGLISH CLUB.- The club will meet Monday at 8 p. m., in Grays 43. Dr. A. C. Coolidge will speak on Translations.
WINIFRED T. DENISON, Sec.THE HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The photograph of the '96 members has been postponed until Tuesday, June 2, at two o'clock.
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