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Notwithstanding a fairly hopeful prospect, Saturday turned out to be anything but a Harvard day. Every one of the four teams representing the University was defeated, the Freshman Nine losing its first game of the season.

The victory of Princeton over the 'Varsity Nine was a deep disappointment, which was increased by the fact that at least twice in the game our Nine had the victory in their hands and then let it slip away by their careless playing. Yet, while every Harvard man is disappointed because the Nine was defeated, there is no reason for feeling discouraged on account of the result of Saturday's game.

Princeton won only after one of the longest and hardest fought matches that has been seen on any college diamond for a long while. With the exception of the instances mentioned above, the 'Varsity played great ball from first to last. The game decidedly had its bright side, for it showed Harvard men how good a game their team could play, and it showed the Nine how thoroughly the students are ready to support it even when the game seems lost.
