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John the Orangeman must be in the parade on Wednesday, and every Harvard student will immediately admit the truth of this statement. The faithful old man has gone to every game played in Cambridge, football and baseball, for no one knows how many years, and he is always as interested in Harvard's success as the youngest and most enthusiastic undergraduate. When the fathers of those who are now in College were undergraduates, Old John was a familiar sight on Holmes field, with his shambling walk and uncouth salutations. The boldest would scarcely venture to guess at the age of this remarkable fruit seller. He is the same today as he was twenty years ago.

The committee have asked men to subscribe twenty-five cents each to hire the old man a dray for the parade, and these subscriptions are to be left at Leavitt and Peirce's. So far very little money has been raised, and unless students are willing to come forward and help, the expense must be borne by the committee. The money asked of each man is very little, and the parade cannot be truly successful so far as Harvard is concerned without our faithful old "mascot," John the Orangeman.
