
Memorial Service to Dr. Peabody

The service in Appleton Chapel last evening was in memory of Dr. Andrew Preston Peabody, who was so long connected with the University as Instructor, Preacher and Plummer Professor. Dr. McKenzie conducted the service.

Bishop Lawrence spoke for the givers of the tablet, which has been erected in the eastern end of the Chapel in Dr. Peabody's memory. He said that the affection which filled the heart of every student for Dr. Peabody can hardly be realized now. All the graduates wished to contribute to some memorial, and, in response to a circular asking for small sums, over $4200 in addition to the amount needed was received. This sum goes to the Corporation.

Rev. Mr. DeNormandie, who followed, spoke of Dr. Peabody's parish work at Portsmouth. The atmosphere of spirituality and devotion which pervaded the Portsmouth church during Dr. Peabody's pastorate, said Mr. DeNormandie, was unusual and impressive. Dr. Peabody was destined for the ministry from his birth. He was only twenty-two when he became the pastor of the Portsmouth church.

Professor Peabody spoke in conclusion of Dr. Peabody's connection with the College. What most men found laborious he found pleasant. His labor was ceaseless; his activity extraordinary. But what endeared him to the students and made his life a power in the students lives was his power of appreciativeness.

The memorial tablet which is the gift to the University of the graduates of Dr. Peabody's time is worded as follows:


Andrew Preston Peabody, D.D; LL. D.

Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Preacher to the University born at Beverly, March 19, 1811 died at Cambridge, March 10, 1893

Author, Editor, Teacher, Preacher, Helper of Men.

Three Generations looked to him as to a Benefactor, a Friend, a Father. His Precept was glorified by his Example

While for Thirty-three Years he moved among the Teachers and Students of Harvard College. and wist not that his Face shone.
